No story should end
with a period.
But the devastating truth is, for thousands of women and girls around the world, it does. On average, a girl in a developing nation will miss around 60 days of school each year due to a lack of access to menstrual hygiene products. No one should be forced to fall behind in school or work because of a natural and beautiful part of their human anatomy.
For every Dot Menstrual Cup purchased, one is given to someone in need, providing them with the opportunity to prioritize their education, work, and community involvement without shame or interruption.
We partner with organizations, both domestic and international, who are prioritizing empowerment through education, community development, gender equality, child protection, and clean water access. We ensure that every organization we partner with has local staff who confirm Dot Cups are both desired and culturally appropriate, and who will teach the end recipients how to safely and effectively use their Dot Cups. We also have a short curriculum designed to teach basic anatomy and the basics of the menstrual cycle, since many people we encounter are left completely in the dark when it comes to understanding their own bodies.
Partner Organizations
We’re always looking for new organizations to partner with!
Do you work with a population that could benefit from donated Dot Cups? Email us at
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